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Virginia Public Health Association


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Why Join?

Our members are the core of what we do. They help shape our public health policy agenda, share our work with the public, support professional development and networking opportunities, and much more.

Membership benefits include, but are not limited to:

  • Access to our membership directory
  • Access to our all-member quarterly meetings
  • Participation in educational and professional development webinars
  • Serve on our advisory committees
  • Receipt of our bi-monthly newsletter
  • Access to our annual Public Health Policy Priorities survey
  • Discounted rate for the Annual Conference
  • Networking with colleagues, professionals, and organizations

Ready to join us? Complete our Membership Form and you’re in!

Membership Form

Ready to join VPHA? Complete our Membership Form and you’re in!

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Membership dues support everything we do to advance public health in Virginia. We are so grateful for your support.

Have questions about our work or membership benefits? Email Kim Baskette at for more information.

© Virginia Public Health Association (VPHA)
All Rights Reserved

VPHA • Richmond, Virginia

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