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Virginia Public Health Association

VPHA's three-year strategic plan

07 Apr 2023 9:02 AM | Anonymous

VPHA’s Board of Directors has adopted a three-year strategic plan for the association. This plan charts a path for VPHA to continue growing its impact while sustaining what it has achieved. The purpose of the strategic plan is to share our vision for VPHA’s future and to create a platform from which we can engage members and partners in making this vision a reality.

The Vision

By the end of 2025, VPHA will:

  1. Have a robust, diverse, and engaged membership

  2. Be an influential, trusted public health voice for policymakers, public health professionals, and the public across the Commonwealth

  3. Be an invaluable career resource for public health professionals and students

  4. Have sufficient, sustainable finances to support at least one full or part-time position

The vision sets the direction for how VPHA will move forward and we will achieve this vision via four strategic priorities. Each priority includes focus areas, activities, and measures of success. VPHA’s four strategies mirror our mission:

  1. Strengthen public health practice

  2. Foster health equity

  3. Promote sound public health policy

  4. Develop and sustain sound operations and finances

While new opportunities and challenges may force the association to adapt, this plan serves as a guide for current and future leaders. Check out the strategic plan to learn more about VPHA’s three-year plan!

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